Events, Workshops

Foil Drawing drop-in workshop

Foil Drawing workshop with Lucy Dukes: “ Relics of the Anthropocene & imagined futures” Saturday 9 September and Sunday 10 September (Heritage Open Day)2-4 FREE (drop-in) Lucy Jane MacAllister Dukes has just been UAL Art for the Environment artist in residence at GroundWork Gallery for this summer This is a vey informal set-up. Lucy will […]

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Events, Workshops

Slow Art Day

Slow Art Day is an international event in museums and galleries everywhere. As the name suggests, it is all about slowing down. Slow looking. But also for us it is about slow making. Making work together, learning new skills. Sitting together and chatting as we do so. Join us Saturday 2 April from 12-4 – […]

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Events, Workshops

Wording the Edgelands. Tuesday 14 June

An eco-poetry workshop led by kin’d and kin’d Tuesday 14 June 11-5 Wording the Edgelands was kin’d and kind’s eco-poetry writing workshop. In two different ways: ‘meet and merge’, it explored the themes of the FieldWork exhibition. Say kin’d and kin’d: ‘Through traditional and wilded poetic forms we will trace the edge-lands between rural and […]

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Events, Workshops

Doorstep Environment Poetry

Happening NOW! Karen Eng is leading a writing residency for this end-November week, focusing on the environment. Eight stunning writers are refining a piece of writing and discussing together each day. Watch this space for the outcomes….

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Events, Workshops

Pivotal: Jeni Smith & Alice Finbow

Pivotal – art, writing, environment | ways to collaborate, Saturday 25 November 2017 This workshop, run by mother and daughter Jeni Smith and Alice Finbow, was the starting point for collaborative conversations and ways to generate ideas between and across visual and text-based media. People who attended were not necessarily working already in a collaborative process, […]

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Events, Workshops

Environment and Memory: Emilie Dufresne

Environment and Memory, Saturday 10th November, 2018 A poetry workshop with Emilie Dufresne We held a psychogeography poetry workshop asking people to consider memory of place and experience of place over time. The workshop included walks around the town, inviting participants to experience their environment blind, and then later in the workshop try and retrace […]

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Events, Workshops

A Journey through Water: Patricia Mullin

Previous writing workshops A Journey Through Water | Exploring poetic geography, Monday 20 May 2019 A creative writing masterclass with Patricia Mullin Working over a day with exclusive use of the gallery and guided by expert published writer and artist, Patricia Mullin, participants were encouraged to develop a beautiful piece of writing. And then they […]

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Events, Workshops

We wrote on the edge

In the last days of 2019, GroundWork invited writers to come to the edge. Seven gathered, retreating from the chaos and consumption of the days before Christmas, choosing instead to go within and consider what we could create – inspired by the interplay between art and words in the serene December light reflected from the […]

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Write on the edge: Karen Eng

Write on the edgeSunday 15 December, 2019 10-4 This was a one day’s writing retreat at GroundWork Gallery with Karen Eng. We enjoyed the final moments of the exhibition ‘On the Edge’. Taking initial inspiration from the exhibition, Karen took us on a journey from idea to realisation, considering some of the innovative ways our […]

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Events, Workshops

Art and Politics of Trash: Emilie Dufresne

Saturday 28 April 2018, 2.00 – 6.00 pm Followed by showing of the award-winning film Trashed, 6.30 – 8.30 pm The Spring season 2018 featured an exciting variety of events.  A study day on the Art and Politics of Waste; Readings and courses on The Poetry of Waste; A special showing of Trashed, a film […]

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