Upcoming exhibition

John Lord Flint-Knapping

John Lord is a master flint-knapper, one of the best and most experienced in the world. For our Extraction programme, he is exhibiting a series of remarkable photographs of flints. These are taken with a macro-lens so we can see in detail right into the structure. What we can see are the beautiful shapes and […]

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Upcoming exhibition

Heavy Water Collective and the Sedgwick Museum, Cambridge

13 July – 7 September 2024 Featuring artists: Victoria Lucas, Joanna Whittle, Maud Haya-Baviera Heavy Water Collective have responded to GroundWork Gallery’s extraction theme for its summer residency programme, by presenting a body of work that brings together research developed primarily in response to the Sedgwick Museum of Earth Sciences in Cambridge. The Heavy Water […]

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Upcoming exhibition

Art for the Environment

Artists from AER International Residency Programme 16 March -8 June, 2024 Sophie Anna Gibbings, Nicholas Holt, Lucy Jane MacAllister Dukes, Eleni Maragaki, Lucy + Jorge Orta, Beth Robertson Art for the Environment showcases work by some of the most exciting artists emerging today who are drawing attention to our fragile planet. Above all, each one […]

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Upcoming exhibition

Plant Power

Plant Power is all about how plant lives and ours interconnect. Artists who are concerned about plants in a time of climate change are finding ways to give us new intense images. Through the power of art, this is an exhibition which aims to consider the plant point of view. Plants are not merely a […]

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