Art from the GroundWork summer extraction residency. October 12 – December 14 Ground Up, GroundWork’s autumn exhibition is formed out of works of art made in response to the GroundWork summer residency with the underlying theme of Extraction – what is taken out of the earth. Originally, twenty artists took part (see the original outline […]
John Lord is a master flint-knapper, one of the best and most experienced in the world. For our Extraction programme, he is exhibiting a series of remarkable photographs of flints. These are taken with a macro-lens so we can see in detail right into the structure. What we can see are the beautiful shapes and […]
13 July – 7 September 2024 Featuring artists: Victoria Lucas, Joanna Whittle, Maud Haya-Baviera Heavy Water Collective have responded to GroundWork Gallery’s extraction theme for its summer residency programme, by presenting a body of work that brings together research developed primarily in response to the Sedgwick Museum of Earth Sciences in Cambridge. The Heavy Water […]
Artists from AER International Residency Programme 16 March -8 June, 2024 Sophie Anna Gibbings, Nicholas Holt, Lucy Jane MacAllister Dukes, Eleni Maragaki, Lucy + Jorge Orta, Beth Robertson Art for the Environment showcases work by some of the most exciting artists emerging today who are drawing attention to our fragile planet. Above all, each one […]
The Ground Beneath Our Feet is the theme which introduces GroundWork’s annual artistic residency and summer exhibition programme. Taking the overall subject of Extraction for a third year, this time we opened it out to consider our immediate locality, from the physical to the more philosophical, from the aesthetic to the political. NOW EXTENDED TO […]
March 18 – July 15 2023 Art redefining what waste means. An exhibition which brings creative approaches to the problems of resource use and resilience. Artists: Jeremy Butler, Liz Elton, Caroline Hyde Brown, Lizzie Kimbley, Kai Lossgott, Eugene Macki, Jan Eric Visser, Rain Wu Art redefining what waste means We are thinking about what is […]
15 October 2022 – 17 December 2022 Deep Water: Women artists innovating with a variety of media to reflect on sea water pollution and dangers to wildlife and ocean environments. Mary Blue, Aude Bourgine, Colleen Flanigan, Zena Holloway, Julia Manning, Liz McGowan, Dawn Roe, Phillipa Silcock. The entire world is in Deep Water in many […]
An evolving exhibition and artist in residence projects: 16 July – 26 August and 2 – 30 September (closed 27 August – 1 September) Featuring works by Darren Almond, Onya McCausland, Chris Drury, Shaun Fraser, Kaitlin Ferguson, Anthony Powis, Frankie Turk, Sara Grisewood, Kathryn Maguire, Aindreas Scholz For Extraction: Loss and Restoration, GroundWork Gallery will […]
25 March 2022 – 25 June 2022 Kim Norton, Annie Woodford, Jane Cairns, Nicky Hirst, Grant Aston, Robert Cooper FieldWork: between urban and rural is an exhibition about the spaces that exist between the urban and the rural. Work in the field is key to a methodology. It is about exploration, observation and presentation. Six […]
Extraction: Art on the Edge of the AbyssResidencies, projects and exhibition14 August – 2 October 2021 On exhibition throughout: works by Darren Almond, Andres Chang. Artists in residence: Kaitlin Ferguson, 9-22 August; Shaun Fraser, 23 Aug – 5 September; Rebecca Faulkner: University of the Arts, London, Art for the Environment Residency: 6-19 September. Extraction: the […]
22 October – 18 December 2021 Artists’ projects with mushrooms, mycelia and yeasts, featuring Chris Drury, Myka Baum, Alexandra Steiner, Alison Counsell, Rachel Horton-Kitchlew, Moira Williams Our end-of-year exhibition Nature’s Mysterious Networks, celebrates mushrooms, mycelia and yeasts, some of the more mysterious growths in nature. Subtle and varied, these are elements of our environment which […]
6 December – 1 March 2021 Here you can see some new photographs from this recent season. They show the gallery installed with Bugs Beauty Danger. These are by a new friend and collaborator, Erna Gotyar. All of them are arranged in galleries and if you click on them they will expand and you can […]
Helen Goodwin Impermanent Edge was a work on a digital journey. It took the form of a virtual exhibition tour for a limited period. The work is about impermanence, seen through the eroding edge of landscape on coastal places where the artist has lived. On the East Yorkshire shore, the cliffs and beach at Skipsea, […]
10 March – 2 June 2018 A film about landfill in a site of natural beauty and problems of global consumerism Henry/Bragg are artists Julie Henry and Debbie Bragg. They highlight subject matters that mean a great deal to them. These include the erosion of working class culture and the age of global consumerism. We […]
Ceramics by Kathryn Hearn, June 23rd – September 16, 2018 Formerly Course Director in ceramics at Central St Martins in London, Kathryn Hearn moved a few years ago to live in the Cambridgeshire Fenland town of Chatteris. The surrounding landscape and culture have fascinated her ever since. Chatteris, is one of four fenland towns which […]
Poems and drawings: Harriet Tarlo and Judith Tucker 23 June – 16 September 2018 ‘Outfalls’ by Harriet Tarlo, and Judith Tucker, is a joint project of poetry and drawing. Their subject was the Louth Navigation, which is, significantly for them, a disused canal in North East Lincolnshire. Using these different art forms, they explored the […]
14 October – 16 December 2017 Femke Lemmens uses natural fibres and naturally obtained colours, to create weaves with a certain lightness and movement. Creating her own colours at home from plants and kitchen waste, has become an engaging and integral part of her whole process. Femke visited the Alpujarras mountains in Andalucia, southern Spain. […]
14 October – 16 December 2017 Hilary Mayo showed a collection of ceramics made following a recent trip to Iceland. She visited the country in 2017 and its changing light and fragility impressed her immediately. She entitled this collection Topography of a Landscape. It encapsulated her response to the strangely addictive beauty of Iceland’s other […]
11 March – 1 July 2017 GroundWork’s Spring season 2017 saw the first exhibition in the UK of the work of herman de vries. Then aged 85, herman de vries, is a grand figure in the world of art and environment, renowned for his sensitive attention to nature. This exhibition was all about stones and […]
1 August – 5 December 2020 Nicola Bealing, Arno van Berge Henegouwen, Jeroen Eisinga, Claudia Fährenkemper, Sarah Gillespie, Cornelia Hesse-Honegger, Aurora Sciabarra, Alison Turnbull. Stop Press: read this great review in the Spectator 14.03.20, by Mark Cocker: ‘Mother Nature is Finally Getting the Art she Deserves‘ Bugs, Beauty and Danger is GroundWork gallery’s latest […]
14 April to 31 July 2021 Lisa Keiko Kirton, Jonathan Meuli, Isao Miura, Nana Shiomi, Hakan Topal, Shizuka Tatsuno Japan Water features artists who have been thinking for a long time about the effects of water in Japan. The purity of water is essential for so much of Japanese culture, from food through to paper-making. […]
13 October – 16 December, 2018 Stewart Hearn, Barbara Howey, Laura Huston, Femke Lemmens Colour in Nature featured recent work by artists working in the different media of glass, textiles, paint, ceramic. The possibilities of materials and vibrant colour inspire them all. There was no big idea behind it. Just that there was a thread […]
10 March – 2 June 2018 Gina Glover: the Entangled Bank, highlights the problem of plastic waste. Bottles discarded by the side of the road are a problem everywhere. People still throw bottles out of car windows into the verges. They probably do this without even thinking of the consequences, as we all know by […]
19 October – 14 December 2019 This exhibition played on numerous interpretations of edge-potential and edge-confusion. Some was literal, some was metaphorical. The idea was both to question the way we create boundaries and divisions. Also to reflect critically on the way one environment or culture can seep into another. Does the edge create problems, […]
15 July – 30 October 2016 Roger Ackling and Richard Long Richard Long chose the title ‘Sunlight and Gravity’ for GroundWork Gallery’s inaugural exhibition, . It describes very clearly the forces which the two artists worked with – harnessing some of the most powerful forces of nature. It also suggests a mood. Gravity for seriousness, […]
5 November-17 December 2016 – & extended to 21 January 2017 Work by:Dominic AshLorraine BewickLee GrandjeanCordelia SpaldingCalum McClurePar AvionTim PlunkettTim SimmonsTara Books and Gond artists from IndiaIan TysonToby Winteringham Out of the Wood celebrated trees, forests and the art of wood. The exhibition included a range of work from the lyrical to the practical. Its […]
15 July – 10 September 2017 Jayne Ivimey, Suky Best, Martin Brandsma, Patrick Haines, Sabine Liedke, Milo Newman, Nessie Stonebridge, & At the Steel Rooms, Brigg, Lincolnshire, Bird after Bird featured six artists entranced by the fragility of birds, exploring them in life and death. The exhibition aimed to raise our awareness of birds and […]
10 March – 2 June 2018 Trash Art. Jan Eric Visser uniquely creates art from discarded newspaper and wax. He first began as a sculptor in 1987, since when, he has reflected on the value and potential beauty in trash. He is an artist deeply concerned about depletion of the earth’s resources. While waste is […]
13 October – 16 December, 2018 Shaun Fraser, Wayne Binitie, Flora Bowden, Kabir Hussain, Theories of the Earth, offered a timely insight into issues of climate change alongside deeper stories of the earth’s formation. Four artists ventured into the earth’s history and geology to investigate our understanding of the changes to the environment. Wayne Binitie, […]
Gina Glover and Jessica Rayner 14 October – 16 December 2017 Images about nature, light and power, raising questions about energy use, over use and climate change ‘Fire and Ice’ included images of industrial intrusions into wild nature, melting ice-caps, and burning biofuels. It tackled tough subjects to do with the over use of energy […]
23 June – 16 September, 2018 Panoramic photographs and photograms by Chrystel Lebas Chrystel Lebas: Regarding Nature, featured spectacular panoramic photographs of plants and landscapes on the North Norfolk coast. She made these works from an initial study commissioned from the Natural History Museum, London. Following in the wake of scientists Sir Edward James Salisbury […]
29 June – 15 September 2019 Elspeth Owen, Paca Sanchez, Lotte Scott, Emma Howell Four women artists of different generations featured in this exhibition. All of them attempted the expression of deep and quite original relationships with nature. See the local press report here: Introduction French artist Paca Sanchez contributed work about the manipulation […]
9 March – 1 June 2019 Roger Coulam. Lynn Dennison, Simon Faithfull, Stewart Hearn, Susan Hiller, Sophie Marritt, Peter Matthews, Annie Turner. This exhibition featured works by artists who are thinking about the resourcefulness we need as we live with water. How do we save water? How do we pit our strength against water? What […]
11 March – 1 July 2017 Tom Baskeyfield and Mario Popham Shaped by Stone was a small exhibition from a large and ambitious project by Tom Baskeyfield and Mario Popham. Through it they pursued several closely related trains of thought about the importance of stone. Firstly they explored it in the landscape, as a subject […]
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