The Art of Rice, Thursday 15 April at 6pm BST

If you were not able to join us for the fascinating talks hosted by the Sainsbury Institute for the Study of Japanese Arts and Cultures (SISJAC), or would like to hear them agai, here is a link to the recording of the event:

Featuring Isao Miura, exhibitor in Japan Water, together with poet Chris Beckett, we are talking about the abundance of fireflies, memories of Japanese farming and how this features in Isao’s art. Distinguished historian of Japanese art and design, Christine Guth, reflects on her visit to Inakadate in Aomori to visit the extraordinary rice paddy art created by rice farmers in their fields.

SISJAC Art of Rice event

You will find further details of all the speakers plus the Sainsbury Institute on their website – & via the link for booking below. Reference will be also made to Chris Beckett’s blog piece on this website The Light of the Firefly

Booking essential

Here is a link to the Time-zone Converter

Book via SISJAC website:

Or here is the link to the Webinar Registration form

Isao Miura 2 Rice pics
Isao Miura: Rice Paddy: Fireflies 1 & 2