September is the final month of our Extraction Projects for 2022. A redisplay of the gallery and a party launched it, on 2nd September. Next we have our closing discussion with Assembly Online on 29th September. All month, we are showcasing all the works made by the artists in residence who have been based in Norfolk over the summer. Come to the gallery on our usual opening days – Wednesdays to Saturdays 11-4.

Then on 29th at 7.30 (BST) we are joining with Assembly Online to hold an evening of talks and discussion by all the artists and some of our advisers. Our theme will be Extraction and how the GroundWork residency programme and all the artists’ work has contributed to a change in our thinking. You can hear in more detail about the ideas we have shared and all the interesting things we have learned.
Join the discussion via this link: :
Guest artist: Onya McCausland; Resident artists: Anthony Powis, Frankie Turk, Sara Grisewood, Kathryn Maguire, Aindreas Scholz;

You can also join in our September Instagram challenge. We are doing this as a joint venture with our American colleagues at the Codex Foundation who launched the project in 2018. You can read all about that elsewhere on this website as well as on theirs. We are calling the challenge – #artandextraction The content will pop up at the bottom of the home page on this website, or of course you can join in actively, either as a follower or contributor, or both at @groundworkgallery and @extraction_art