Join with our Instagram challenges to find art on our doorstep environment
There are just a few advantages and gains from lock-down. The environment has won out. Not only are there fewer nasty emissions from airplanes and cars to pollute the air, but our slower pace of life has enabled us to see more. Daily walks have made people more observant. Nature has flourished with so much heavy blossom on the trees and wild flowers abundant in every patch of grass. Even cracks in the pavement have been hosting little plants.
For the month of June we have a new Instagram Challenge – a weekly one. You are invited to contribute images to the week’s theme direct to the #doorstepenvironment and the weekly theme one. Here is the template:

The instagram challenge for May
Last month we had an Instagram 30 day challenge. There is a fantastic virtual exhibition of contributions on the #doorstepenvironment
NB Image illustrated above is one of Justin Partyka’s studies of Walnut Tree Farm, the home of the late Roger Deakin

And coming next……
Continuing to find more art on our doorstep environment
It is always a key aim for GroundWork exhibitions and events to have an impact on our thinking about the environment. When we return to full operations, we hope in the autumn, we will be running some new events. Thanks to an Arts Project Grant from Norfolk County Council some of them will be free or at minimal cost. Look out for a family event to explore the environment artistically. We will also begin a Creative Remaking workshop series to explore new skills. And Write for the Environment will continue.