Katie Bliss is an agro-ecologist and artist. She is interested in the space between visual and creative ways of interpreting the world and the possibilities for creating abundant futures.

Interspecies articulations and plant thinking
“I am fascinated by interspecies articulations, and plant thinking. What we can learn from the cosmo-vision of our ancestors and traditional wisdoms across the world fascinates me. It is the beginning of remembering that we are nature, re-imagining our entanglements with our more-than-human kin. “

Scientist, farmer, artist
Katie Bliss grew up on a farm near Kings Lynn and was delighted to see GroundWork gallery and NetWork has been established there. Now Katie works as an agro-ecologist in Cornwall, UK. She engages both in farmer-led research on ecological practices, and with the local Wildlife Trust.
“Following a recent residency on a farm in Colombia I am exploring the space between my place as a scientist, farmer and an artist and keen to develop my creative practice in the space, and share ideas and inspiration with others.”

The Loveland Community Grains Project
Katie Bliss ’s work has included a socially engaged practice involving the local community in Falmouth in the sowing / growing / harvest / threshing / milling / eating heritage wheat and oats which they gathered from a variety of seedbanks. The Loveland Community grains project has been an experiment in organic production towards a diverse and resilient food future. Aiming to bring a community together through growing, they found long-forgotten seeds which flourished under their cultivation.

On harvesting: “Our field was awash with diversity and colour; blue peas, olive green lentils, purple and gold amaranth and quinoa as well a number of diverse heritage wheat mixtures. Harvest was a vital and celebratory time with many hands helping reap in the crop. In collaboration with local community arts duo ‘Small Acts’ participants brushed through the field to the sound of a song dedicated to the small naked oat…..”

Discovering creative life-forces
Katie Bliss’s current work is exploring the Kogi peoples of Colombia’s
concept of Aluna, the creator figure and force behind nature. She is also investigating
the Celtic concept of Awen, which is the creative life-force energy of all living things, flowing inspiration and entanglements which connect us.
This is a work in progress but so far has included collective ritual and song as well as cyanotype / print making and installation.